The FundaMental Pharma Team harnesses the power of this revolutionary discovery of a new drug class to stop loss of brain structure and thus loss of function.
FundaMental Pharma GmbH is a neuroscience company with portfolio at the preclinical stage, which was spun out of the Department of Neurobiology at Heidelberg University, Germany. First-in class NMDAR/TRPM4 (N/T) Interface Inhibitors selectively abolish extrasynaptic NMDARs-induced glutamate neurotoxicity but preserve the effects of synaptic NMDARs on neuronal survival and memory. N/T interface inhibition has the potential to stop neurodegeneration, to restore neuronal function, and to maintain brain health. N/T interface inhibitors provide neuroprotection through selective elimination of toxic extra synaptic NMDARs signaling.